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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Voip, Skype, and Google Chat

The Advent of Email and Voip

Gone are the days of ZX spectrum and conecting via an Acoustic coupler (old fashioned kind of modem)
Where the standard was there was no graphics and Email  or VOIP wasn't even a twinkle in Microsoft's Eyes.
Instead you could type message which was on a 'bulletin' board.
 This was the standard for the 1980's But now We can connect with anyone, ANYWHERE across the world, receive Instant messages, and E-mail takes seconds to deliver and be read. The Advent of MSN/Windows Live messenger, Google Chat, Skype and Pal Talk, have made it possible to chat via text, or indeed voice over a microphone, and see and be seen over a Web Cam.  Also, Games on the Internet have played a part in communication, such as Second Life, WoW, where you can speak to other players.
Back in the early 1990's Those without Internet access  had to make do with the Telephone, and/or the old fashioned 'Snail Mail' to communicate, Sometimes not receiving a letter for weeks at a time from a distant land, made things slightly awkward, Also the use of Mobile/cell Phones have made things easier, although phoning international can drive a mobile/ cell phone bill up high.  Texting on mobile/cell phones is a quick and easy way to notify someone you are or was talking to on the Internet via an Instant messenger, ranging in price to send a quick text message you can let the other party know quickly that you have crashed, rebooted or your computer has died.
To keep costs down, My partner and I reguklarly use texting, and either Skype or Google Chat (Via Web Cam), It helps to keep phone bills to a minimum.

Dependant on how you connect to the Internet, weather it be by traditional phone-line, Broadband ADSL or via an Cell/mobile phone Dongle can dictate what kind of chat messengers you can use (for instance, it wouldn't be recommended to use a video chat with a traditional phone line).

USB dongles have had their fair share of problems, often with downloading some chat clients such as skype
and the fac that most pay as you go dongles are limited to 3 or 5GB bandwidth  that can be taken up fast.

Other factors when using a dongle is that some ISP providers such as Orange or Three Charge x amount if you go over your bandwidth Limit.  The company i use, for  gaining access to the Internet is a mobile/cell phone provider, who will give me x amount of bandwidth for a set sum every 30 days. One advantage about this company is they will not charge you for going over bandwidth, but will instead ' Cap' some services to you in busy periods, IE; OFF peak time : Midnight (GMT) till 4pm the next day is considered off peak, at this time you can chat freely via Web cam or over mic (+ download music and movies if you wish), 4PM till Midnight is considered to be peak time  Where you wont be able to chat via web cam or mic,  or be able to download music or movies if your bandwidth has run out. of course, some chat clients will stay 'loaded' at this time even if you are out of bandwidth, others such as MSN  will cut off every time you connect even to try and chat via text.
I am going to Include a  of link to places where you can use a  'Web Based' Video Chat, and
for those using an Internet Broadband Dongle i will give you a link to the FULL download of Skype which hopefully should make it easier for you.
The link above is for a Gmail Video Chat, (also is the sign - up page)
NOTE, you may have to download a small Gmail Chat widget for it to work)
The above file is for the FULL Skype Setup (approx 19MB) use this if you are having problems downloading skype conventionally with the skype Installer.

Canadian currency, above.

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