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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Overstaying the welcome?

Britain gets alot of 'migrants' from other countries, some who genuinelly want to work here and will not overstay when their visa runs out.  Others  think britain  has streets paved with gold, but it's not until they get here that stark reality kicks in. We hear of many come to work in Britain Illegally, that goes for many other countries as well....... These II's (Illegal Immigrants) often cannot get welfare/benefits on the NHS or through other countries systems, often hide in the background, and are more than likely being taken advantage of through low paid wages, poor working conditions etc... through fear of being Found out by Government officials (of any country) and possibly being deported and Banned from entering the country, sometimes for a certain amount of years, other times it is Permanent.  Everyone's Health comes first, I'm not just talking about the British or Canadian, but EVERYONE! so my advice to people thinking of taking a work permit to another country, THINK before you leave..... In the provice i will be moving to, i will not be able to get healthcare for approx 13 weeks, therefore i NEED to ensure i have adequate Insurance protection in case i ever need to see a doctor, or am hospitalised.  One case some years ago i was in a hospital bed in Britain due to a burst appendix, in the bed next to mine was an American male who also needed to be operated on... because he wasn't a national of Britain, he recieved a hefty bill on his discharge (for his operation) totalling at the time in excess of 10k (10 thousand pounds)  - which he had to find and pay, his  self.
So before you leave home looking for riches in another country, make sure you have adequate insurance for such.  It's common sense!!

One of my previous posts holds a link to Internationl Health insurance.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nearly four months

Well, it's been nearly four months since i started the process of Immigration to Canada, and in the early days was downloading the CIC forms and gathering the nescessary documentation.Early on in the process, i felt 'snowed' under with all the paperwork, (equivalant to the thickness of a mid sized novel)  I have now payed the fees to my emigration consultant in full (nearly 1000 pounds).
I now need to get 1 more piece of 'evidence' off my partner, then have her pay the fees for right of residency in Canada.  Once this is done, i need to book the Medical with the CIC designated medical Officer, get the slip of paper back off him to show it's been done, then forward that along with the other documents, and it's the waiting that's going to be apprehensive (but i cannot see there being a problem).  It will take them Roughly 2-3 nmonths to deside if i can be granted the permanent Resident Visa.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Disillusion of Britain

What was a great country, envy of the World, Great Britain, is no longer the envy of other nations.
Now, Great Britain lies in 'tatters' , People are moving out or emigrating to another country to get away from the problems that this country have.

The Governments who 'governed' Britain in the 80's and 90's haven't done a good job of it at all,
People are out of work, the general population of youth no longer respect their elders and have no respect for anyone or anything in general.  This is more than likely due to children being 'dragged' up by parents who either just not bothered or cannot instill any decent morals into their kids.

I for one am disillusioned by Britain, the High crime rate, the lack of respect and feel that there is nothing left of what was once a great little island.  Other people have this sense of what Britain is now..... Many people are either Moving from the problem areas of Britain, or are throwing the towel in and Emigrating elsewhere.
It is a fact that Britain is now an increasingly dangerous place, what some people would put on a par with Iraq.
My full intention is to Emigrate to Canada in the very near future, Britain i feel is no longer my home, at times being afraid to walk down the street of an evening for fear of being Jumped/Robbed.

I wont be sorry emigrating out of this country, in short it's ruined my life, and in turn; the UK government have also given a hand in helping to ruin this tiny nation.

The Governments of this land need to realise that by putting out policies for the general population, Most of the decent, law abiding people that once resided on this island are in a far better place, people have given up on Britain and i have done the same.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Advantage of seeing other blogs with more information on the chosen topic

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Today, i was browsing the web and happened to stumble upon a website/blog, that was written by a family who have already made the move to Canada from their own country,

A lot of people have the dream of  going to another country to live and work but seldom know what to expect,
The laws of the new country, the people, the climate and the economy  which is the most important.need to be analyzed. 
People move countries for a variety of reasons, weather to live, work or just holiday (vacation)
and the need to familiarize themselves with the monetary system as well as local or national customs,
details about the immigration process from the UK are included in my blog, but other blogs/sites have other maybe similar information. what i cannot answer here you will more than likely be able to find elsewhere so i have taken the trouble of trawling the net for this:
The above link is to a FREE E book about 65 LEGAL ways to immigrate to Canada,
It's informative and can be printed out and read anywhere. (You may need adobe pdf reader to read the above)

Adobe pdf reader can be downloaded here:

Also, the blog about immigrating to Canada is available here :
The site/blog holds some useful information about Canada.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The disorder and lawlessness of Great Britain

These days, Canada is one of the safest countries in the world to live in, with the police and government approach in Canada of being Zero Tolerance.

Most UK citizens do not own or carry guns, Government has made cuts meaning there will be more violent crime on the streets of the UK, with Robbery as the main motive.  
Ok, It's the credit crunc and most people are feeling it, with rising debt and less money to themselves, some decide to take the law into their own hands, often with accomplices, I would class Great Britain as a more dangerous place than Canada, for it's violent crime, robberies/theft, burglaries and Rapes.
Occasionally Murders do happen here as well.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Voip, Skype, and Google Chat

The Advent of Email and Voip

Gone are the days of ZX spectrum and conecting via an Acoustic coupler (old fashioned kind of modem)
Where the standard was there was no graphics and Email  or VOIP wasn't even a twinkle in Microsoft's Eyes.
Instead you could type message which was on a 'bulletin' board.
 This was the standard for the 1980's But now We can connect with anyone, ANYWHERE across the world, receive Instant messages, and E-mail takes seconds to deliver and be read. The Advent of MSN/Windows Live messenger, Google Chat, Skype and Pal Talk, have made it possible to chat via text, or indeed voice over a microphone, and see and be seen over a Web Cam.  Also, Games on the Internet have played a part in communication, such as Second Life, WoW, where you can speak to other players.
Back in the early 1990's Those without Internet access  had to make do with the Telephone, and/or the old fashioned 'Snail Mail' to communicate, Sometimes not receiving a letter for weeks at a time from a distant land, made things slightly awkward, Also the use of Mobile/cell Phones have made things easier, although phoning international can drive a mobile/ cell phone bill up high.  Texting on mobile/cell phones is a quick and easy way to notify someone you are or was talking to on the Internet via an Instant messenger, ranging in price to send a quick text message you can let the other party know quickly that you have crashed, rebooted or your computer has died.
To keep costs down, My partner and I reguklarly use texting, and either Skype or Google Chat (Via Web Cam), It helps to keep phone bills to a minimum.

Dependant on how you connect to the Internet, weather it be by traditional phone-line, Broadband ADSL or via an Cell/mobile phone Dongle can dictate what kind of chat messengers you can use (for instance, it wouldn't be recommended to use a video chat with a traditional phone line).

USB dongles have had their fair share of problems, often with downloading some chat clients such as skype
and the fac that most pay as you go dongles are limited to 3 or 5GB bandwidth  that can be taken up fast.

Other factors when using a dongle is that some ISP providers such as Orange or Three Charge x amount if you go over your bandwidth Limit.  The company i use, for  gaining access to the Internet is a mobile/cell phone provider, who will give me x amount of bandwidth for a set sum every 30 days. One advantage about this company is they will not charge you for going over bandwidth, but will instead ' Cap' some services to you in busy periods, IE; OFF peak time : Midnight (GMT) till 4pm the next day is considered off peak, at this time you can chat freely via Web cam or over mic (+ download music and movies if you wish), 4PM till Midnight is considered to be peak time  Where you wont be able to chat via web cam or mic,  or be able to download music or movies if your bandwidth has run out. of course, some chat clients will stay 'loaded' at this time even if you are out of bandwidth, others such as MSN  will cut off every time you connect even to try and chat via text.
I am going to Include a  of link to places where you can use a  'Web Based' Video Chat, and
for those using an Internet Broadband Dongle i will give you a link to the FULL download of Skype which hopefully should make it easier for you.
The link above is for a Gmail Video Chat, (also is the sign - up page)
NOTE, you may have to download a small Gmail Chat widget for it to work)
The above file is for the FULL Skype Setup (approx 19MB) use this if you are having problems downloading skype conventionally with the skype Installer.

Canadian currency, above.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Reality is Kicking in!

This is a photograph from the balcony of my partners apartment in Ontario, 
This morning as Canada is 5 hours behind the UK, i was told at 11AM local (GMT) 6AM in Canada) that it was -17, with a wind chill of -25) so you could say -25C 
And although i am unaccustomed to the winter climate my partner will gradually introduce me to it in small parts, not throw me in at the deep end and expect me to carry like 8 shopping bags bags back while walking back from the Mall.

Alot of people have now realised my intention of moving over to Canada to be with my partner and a few have voiced concerns about what the hell they're going to do when i am gone.  Simple, life goes on guys; get used to it.
Had someone speak to me about getting housing here in the UK and was forced to apply, even though i had stated that i am Emigrating, applying for housing here in the UK is   and will be a waste of my time and their time. (yes i have the keys to my partners apartment on my key chain)
People have realised it is only going to be a few months before i leave Britain for good.

There has been many, many Air operators offing 'cheap' flights to Canada, but only one that i trust
That is Canadian Affair, flights usually by Thomas Cook,
their website is:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why best and worst of Canada sucks: myth vs. reality

Just for fun :-p
When i first met my partner and found out she was from Canada, I had these ideas and visions in my head:
1/ IT is winter all year round in Canada......
2/ you will not find any penguins on frozen lakes in Canada.
3/Polar bears can be seen scavaging in Rural parts of Canada.
4/Canadians live in Igloos
5/Canadian Policemen are all Mounties.

1/Ok, it might be for 5-6 months of the year, but the summers can be hot.

2/ Usually the only things in/on a lake are people who go for a swim Christmas morning, 4 of the 17 species  are  found in to live along the coast of Antarctica, and the Antarctic peninsula 

3/ This is actually true to some extent, especially in Northern Canada, and the Arctic as well.

4/ Canadians live in Proper houses just as the same as Americans.

5/Canadian Police dress the same as  American Police, but only wear  The red tunic on special, or ceremonial Occasions. 
Above: Polar Bear and Northern Canada Wilderness Experience.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Immigrant has Landed!

Ok Guys, so you've sent your completed PR application form into the Immigration officer/consultant dealing with your case, you will know you are approved  or unapproved before you get the visa in hand,
but because of the amount of time it takes to put the case together and present it to CIC, you could have a long wait!
Some people who have already sent their forms in for processing seem so Desperate to Get into Canada quickly, it has crossed the minds of many; Do I take the chance  of getting into Canada without my Visa in hand, or will Immigration stop me at the border and refuse me entry?
As tempting as it may be, to go to Canada without the visa in hand, it's not a wise choice.
After approx 4 weeks you will be given your health card but must wait to be able to use services.
As most of us know, Health care does cost in Canada and the US, and is often (insured) by the province you will be living in., So is best that as a new Immigrant; Before you leave your old country, that you make adequate provision for health care should you need it.
Prescriptions are normally dealt with by the local Pharmacy (where you would hand over your drug card)
and pay the appropriate fee (this can be up to $100CAD!)
There are links available on the net for such insurances that can last 3 months anywhere.
I will try to find a few links pointing to them nearer the end of my post.

The difference between a curriculum vitae, and a Canadian Resume:
The main Differences between what we know as a CV 
and the difference between a Resume used in Canada, is the Layouts are different.
DO NOT Expect to find a job/Employment anytime soon using a standard CV over in Canada.
If you have a work permit allowing you to seek work, certain jobs may be restricted to you, if you are on a visitor visa, Certain Jobs are restricted for Permanent Residents, but ALL jobs are open to Canadian Citizens.
There are some specialist places within Canada who may be able to help convert the format of your CV into something that is acceptable to Canadian Employers.
As well as all this, some jobs you may have been qualified for in your home country, either require different qualifications or extra training.  Some people are amazed that they have to start at the bottom of the Career ladder in Canada, moving straight down from Senior positions at other companies in their old country.

Links for health insurance for visitors or New Immigrants to Canada.

The above link is to One such company i found on the web, with reasonable premiums.

Friday, January 14, 2011

So you Want to Immigrate to Canada?

So you want to Immigrate to Canada?
Many people have often probably thought about it for a few minutes,
but you need to be 100% realistic about it.

This blog is particularly long as i wanted to Explain  how long and hard the journey from start to finish could be.
Canada as a country is vast, with it's huge open spaces, and can be extremely hot in the Summer, but also extremely harsh in the winter, with constant snow falls, and temperatures as low as -30 in places!
Immigrating to Canada shouldn't be taken lightly, Think about it first and be realistic,
as you will probably want to do this for the long term.
It isn't a decision you can just make while watching TV, or think about while taking a walk in the park
and isn't one of those things you can do by just jumping on a plane and expect Immigration officers to say 
"Did you have a good trip? Feel free to stay as long as you want and find work or take our health care and benefits"
I first made the decision to move Immigrate to Canada after i had known my partner for 9 months.
Let me start by giving a few facts on the Immigration Process:

1/First contact would either be a solicitor, lawyer or Immigration Consultant.
They will ask specifically what you want and will then be realistic if they can help you (to save you A LOT of money) if you change your mind half way through the process.

2/ you will be given a file case number,  asked  for the reason(s) you want to Immigrate to Canada
and if you have any family living there or are sponsored via a JOB offer.

3/You will be given a care letter explaining what they will do for you.

4/ You will be quoted a price based on What country you wish to Immigrate to, and under which Class.
This is usually:
Business Class
Skilled Worker
Family Class
Different costs are quoted for different classes.

Next, you will more than likely be given a user name and password to log into Their website,
This is usually for the Immigration Consultants Benefit where you are asked to gather 
DOCUMENTATION and facts, and then to upload them to the website.
You may also be given documents to download and fill out, relevant to your case.
 that you will need probably need to fill out, and post the application form(s)

No, its not  a few forms either, and this is where most people get put off,
The forms and documentation that need to be sent off could well equate to a medium thickness Novel!
On top of this, for certain categories, you will need evidence of your relationship with your 'partner'
certain statutory forms such as  copies of passports and any visas you may already have in them,
copies of Birth certificates
and you will also be required (mandatory)  to request a police certificate
stating weather you have any convictions.
if you do have, the chances are that you MAY have your application for PR rejected, even for minor offences that may have happened earlier on in your life.

You will be required to have several passport  compliant photos (no smiling, on a white background)
Many Immigration Consultants will give you no information or refuse to work on your case until
the whole of the case has been paid for.

After all this...... Your still not finished, in some cases
 you will be required to disclose your financial detail in order to help your case,
things like bank statements and transactions.
Usually after this comes the Medical.
Dependant on what class you choose to Immigrate under, This will have an IMPORTANT bearing on your case.  Most Medicals are stringent, and cannot be completed by your family doctor or GP,
BUT instead a GOVERNMENT approved CIC Canada chosen doctor.
Dependent on where you go to have your medical done, will also determine how much you would have to pay for having a medical done,
You will have to give the designated doctor  an APPENDIX C form.
After the medical you should be given a form back to give to your Immigration consultant,
you will NOT be given ANY results  of the medical,
although you may well be told that the  medical officer may well have picked up on a hidden illness or disease.

There are 2 ways you can be denied a visa or entry into Canada


Once you have had your medical, and sent all the relevant forms back
Your sponsor will then have to pay a fee, (Approx $550CDN,
this is for your right to become a permanent resident and to have the  health card
(Newer ones have a photo on, and can often be used in certain circumstances in Canada as ID)

Next you will be Invited for an Interview (can be on the phone, or designated offices)
and shortly after  approx 2-4 months (sometimes longer)
you will be notified if you have been successful in Gaining your Canadian Permanent Residency.

To date I have spent  A lot of money on my case  taking approx 3 months to pay off.

A few Relevant links if you are looking into Getting a Permanent Residence Visa for Canada.

In my next blog, I will explain the difference between a CV and a Canadian Resume, as well as what happens when you land and what you can do to make it easier for yourself and/or family.