Britain gets alot of 'migrants' from other countries, some who genuinelly want to work here and will not overstay when their visa runs out. Others think britain has streets paved with gold, but it's not until they get here that stark reality kicks in. We hear of many come to work in Britain Illegally, that goes for many other countries as well....... These II's (Illegal Immigrants) often cannot get welfare/benefits on the NHS or through other countries systems, often hide in the background, and are more than likely being taken advantage of through low paid wages, poor working conditions etc... through fear of being Found out by Government officials (of any country) and possibly being deported and Banned from entering the country, sometimes for a certain amount of years, other times it is Permanent. Everyone's Health comes first, I'm not just talking about the British or Canadian, but EVERYONE! so my advice to people thinking of taking a work permit to another country, THINK before you leave..... In the provice i will be moving to, i will not be able to get healthcare for approx 13 weeks, therefore i NEED to ensure i have adequate Insurance protection in case i ever need to see a doctor, or am hospitalised. One case some years ago i was in a hospital bed in Britain due to a burst appendix, in the bed next to mine was an American male who also needed to be operated on... because he wasn't a national of Britain, he recieved a hefty bill on his discharge (for his operation) totalling at the time in excess of 10k (10 thousand pounds) - which he had to find and pay, his self.
So before you leave home looking for riches in another country, make sure you have adequate insurance for such. It's common sense!!
One of my previous posts holds a link to Internationl Health insurance.
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