What was a great country, envy of the World, Great Britain, is no longer the envy of other nations.
Now, Great Britain lies in 'tatters' , People are moving out or emigrating to another country to get away from the problems that this country have.
The Governments who 'governed' Britain in the 80's and 90's haven't done a good job of it at all,
People are out of work, the general population of youth no longer respect their elders and have no respect for anyone or anything in general. This is more than likely due to children being 'dragged' up by parents who either just not bothered or cannot instill any decent morals into their kids.
I for one am disillusioned by Britain, the High crime rate, the lack of respect and feel that there is nothing left of what was once a great little island. Other people have this sense of what Britain is now..... Many people are either Moving from the problem areas of Britain, or are throwing the towel in and Emigrating elsewhere.
It is a fact that Britain is now an increasingly dangerous place, what some people would put on a par with Iraq.
My full intention is to Emigrate to Canada in the very near future, Britain i feel is no longer my home, at times being afraid to walk down the street of an evening for fear of being Jumped/Robbed.
I wont be sorry emigrating out of this country, in short it's ruined my life, and in turn; the UK government have also given a hand in helping to ruin this tiny nation.
The Governments of this land need to realise that by putting out policies for the general population, Most of the decent, law abiding people that once resided on this island are in a far better place, people have given up on Britain and i have done the same.
I have to agree. I've read the news online about Britain and it's got nothing but bad news in it. Murders. Kidnapping. Robbery. Assaults. Child abuse. Elder abuse. It doesn't seem to have anything positive in any article. It's a shame too, I'm part English on my Mother's side and always wanted to go there and see my roots. In a way, I still do,but won't be going alone. I also won't be going outside at night there alone as the "chavs" seem to like going out at night under the cover of darkness to search for unsuspecting "victims". It's a shame such a good Country has gone down the toilet.